health & safety policy
3- Duties, Responsibilities and Reporting
3.1 The designated “Responsible Person” is the Project Leader and in the absence of the project leader the Deputy Project Leader.
3.2 The designated “responsible person” is responsible for the following:
- The contents of this Health & Safety Policy are made known to all employees, ensuring that directly managed employees and those persons under their direction and control receive adequate training upon commencement of employment and at regular intervals throughout it.
Ensuring all employees have a knowledge of how Health and Safety precautions and arrangements are implemented within REACCH.
Ensuring all employees participate in Health and Safety training.
Ensuring all Health and Safety information is displayed appropriately and that the Health and Safety Log Book is maintained, securely stored and available for inspection.
Ensuring all Visitors to the premises sign in and out and are aware of all Health & Safety procedures. Contractors should ensure their own staff are aware of REACCH’s Health & Safety instructions.
Ensuring Health & Safety checks are conducted, equipment is kept in good condition and are defect-free, all first aid equipment is in the correct place and has been maintained, and any actions are taking promptly to address issues which arise.
4- First aid
The nominated First Aiders at REACCH are named at the main First Aid Station in the Entrance to Horseshoe Barn. In addition, each barn used as a base has a First Aid Contact Board and an additional First Aid Box in it. The First Aid Boxes are checked for content and in date supplies termly by the Deputy Project Leader who is also one of the two trained First Aider at REACCH. Each barn where employees, trainees or students are based, also has a Lockable First Aid Cupboard for ensuring any medications brought in to support long term or short- term periods of ill health are locked away securely and logged out under agreed procedures. Employees, trainees and families are expected to inform REACCH about any changes or additions to medication or any changes to circumstances in relation to their first aid care.
REACCH is committed to ensuring all staff have a basic knowledge of first aid through Level 1 First Aid training and nominated First Aiders receive Level 2 Emergency First Aid at Work training and renew this under expected guidelines.
5- Employees
5.1 Employees, trainees, are responsible in ensuring they are familiar with this Health & Safety policy and to understand the fire safety arrangements for this organisation, to include evacuation procedures, position of alarms, escape routes and fire extinguishers etc.
5.2 Employees are expected to co-operate with the employer’s policy and procedures at all times.
5.3 Employees must take appropriate measures to prevent accidents and injuries where practicable, such as complying with Health and Safety procedures such as ensuring any portable electrical appliances have been tested.
5.4 Employees must not misuse or interfere with any equipment provided.
5.5 Employees are required to take care of themselves and others who may be harmed by their acts or omissions.
5.6 Any defects noticed must be reported to the Responsible Persons without delay.
6- Health and safety risk assessments
6.1 Health & Safety Risk Assessments will be undertaken and reviewed annually or following significant changes.
6.2 A completed copy of all Risk Assessments will be held on file, so as to be available upon request.
7. Training
7.1 All employees will receive Health and Safety Level 1 Awareness Training and Fire Safety Awareness Training to ensure they understand the nature of health & safety hazards, risk assessments and the prevention of accidents and injuries in the areas they work within. Refresher training will be undertaken on an annual, bi-annual or three-yearly basis depending on regulations for each area.
The Person or Persons responsible or Health and Safety is currently the Project Leader and Deputy Project Leader who undertake training at Level 3 in Health and Safety. Other members of the team are undertaking relevant training to ensure they are responsible for assigned areas of Health and Safety.
7.2 Employees appointed as First Aiders for REACCH will receive additional relevant training.
Employees appointed as Face Fit Testers for REACCH will receive additional relevant training.
Employees appointed as PAT Testers for REACCH will receive additional relevant training.
Employees appointed as in charge of COSSH for REACCH will receive additional relevant training.
Employers appointed as Fire Wardens for REACCH will receive additional relevant training.
8. Monitoring and Review
This policy will be reviewed every three years to ensure continuing compliance with its content, or more frequently if there are suggestions it is no longer an effective policy, or if there are significant changes within the organization or premises
9. Prevention of Accidents and Injuries
9.1 It is imperative that the highest possible standards of Health and Safety prevention are maintained across the site. Most accidents and injuries can be prevented by good self-discipline and common sense.
9.2 Regular checks should be conducted to ensure all flammable liquids, vapours and gases must be handled, stored and used properly. Any items will be stored in a yellow locked cupboard in the large workshop and will be signed out and used only by COSSH trained members of the team.
9.3 Strict adherence to REACCH’s no smoking policy will assist in the prevention of fire.
9.4 Indoor work areas, corridors, vestibules should be kept free of clutter ensuring there are no trip hazards.
9.5 Tough gloves will be worn in any outdoor land management work. Animal care gloves will be worn and then placed for washing after use. Handwashing and boot cleaning will be a routine part of animal care and land management jobs
9.6 Preparation of drinks and basic snack lunches and equipment must be regularly cleaned to prevent a build-up of grease, dust, toast crumbs etc. and so be a source for a fire starting. Correct chopping boards will be in place and the kitchen surfaces cleaned and steamed daily. Training in Food Hygiene will be undertaken by staff, trainees and students to support cleanliness and safe basic food practices.
9.7 Where Fire Doors are installed, they should meet relevant standards and be clearly labelled e.g. “Fire Exit “.
9.8 Exit doors must be kept clear, free from obstruction and be accessible at all times. Appropriate signage on Exit Doors should be displayed; “Fire Door – Keep Clear”.
9.9 The Health & Safety Logbook, Accident and Injury Logbook and Fire Safety Lo book will be maintained and kept in the designated areas e.g. Health and Safety Log Book in the Reception Area, Accident book at first aid station, Fire Safety in a lockable outdoor cupboard.
9.10 Fire-Risk Assessment will determine the correct type and location required for fire extinguishers. They should be easily accessible, on exit routes and in high-risk areas. They should be checked every month that they are still in their correct position and remain in good condition, undamaged and untampered with. They must be serviced by a competent person. (See Fire Safety Policy for additional information).
10. Health & Safety Signage
All signage will comply with relevant standards and be installed in relevant areas including protective clothing signage ( PPE) and speed restrictions for driving on the site, slippery surface signs etc.
11. Minor or Major Accident/Injury Events
11.1 In the event of a minor accident or injury the person/person’s responsible for first aid will be seen in situ where necessary or at the nearest first aid station for minor injuries. (Horseshoe Barn)
11.2 In the event of a major accident or injury the most senior person /First Aider, should immediately call 999 to ensure the Ambulance Service is summoned.
11.3 SMS text messaging service will be installed on all staff phones in case of an emergency whereby services need to be assisted to locate our position on or off the working site.
11.4 The Fire Log Book and Accident Logbook and any other relevant documentation should be made available to support safe actions and maximum care.
11.5 Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs) may be required for persons requiring special assistance.
12. Recording and Reporting
12.1 Where any incident involves the Emergency Ambulance Service being summoned, this must be recorded in the First Aid Book and reported to the Responsible Person.
12.2 Any fatality or serious injury will be reported to the appropriate enforcement agencies and in line with the reporting requirements under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR).
12.3 All work areas at REACCH will have risk assessments and any specific information provided as appendices to this main document to record further details as required.