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© REACCH Autism South West

For the last 3 years, we've been producing our own calendars. The students/trainees are involved in every aspect of production. Each photo is taken by those involved with our photography programmes and then edited if needed. We then print the images and the month pages, put them in the right order and finally bind them. We set up a production area last year in one of the barns with all the necessary equipment and tools required. As many students/trainees as possible are involved in the production and the final product is one they can really be proud of. 


The photography students/trainees get together at the beginning of the year to decide on a theme for that year's calendar. We started with floral for 2017, coast and country was the theme for 2018, and this year's calendar was Animals, the images from which can be seen in the gallery on this page.

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